The Aérofab

The Fabulous Pedal-powered Merry-go-round for Kids
L'Aérofab Le Fabuleux Manège à Pédales pour Enfants

Fabrice, Head honcho

Because a mechanic is essential for maintaining these super little eco-friendly planes in tip-top shape, I accompany the Aerofab squadron wherever it lands. Bolting together, screwdrivers and spanners at the ready, my little multicoloured planes are pampered with plenty of polish to keep them shiny. I keep my little aviators, the human jet engines, and the crowd happy by telling fabulous and funny tales of adventure and travel, accompanied by my unique ukukazoulélé.

Ta-da ! !

About the Aérofab !

L'Aérofab Le Fabuleux Manège à Pédales pour Enfants
Mummy, Daddy, how does it work ?

The Aerofab is a pedal-powered merry-go-round, handmade and original. It is composed of six little aeroplanes made of steel and wood. It caters especially for small children aged 1 to 8, and up to 1.3 metres in height …

L'Aérofab Le Fabuleux Manège à Pédales pour Enfants
Mummy, Daddy, how much is it ?

Difficult to tell you immediately how much it will cost! It depends on a number of factors. For example, is it for an evening, an afternoon, a day …

L'Aérofab Le Fabuleux Manège à Pédales pour Enfants
How did the Aérofab land up there ?

It took nearly two years for the first flight of the Aerofab. Hours of brainstorming, tons of scientific calculations …

The Aérofab in pictures !


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